Posted by : PooMac Photography Studio Monday, July 18, 2011

 शान्ति दिव्य फ़रिश्ते !!   
विचार मंथनके पॉइंट्सजुलाई १९, २०११
बाबा की महिमा:
परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं ...मेरा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा...मीठा बाबा...दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा...सत बाप.. सत टीचर है .... सत गुरु है........जगत पिता...गॉड फादर.... सर्व आत्माओं के पिता...पतित  पावन...रचयिता...ज्ञान का सागर...दुःख
हरता सुख करता....लिबरेटर ....
स्टार पॉइंट: (सारा  दिन  प्रेक्टिस  कीजिये)        
   मैं आत्मा   याद की  लगन  में  मगन  हूँ ...सभीकी  की  काया-कल्पतरु  बनाती  हूँ ...
 योग कॉमेंटरी:                              
मैं आत्मा...शिव बाबा के साथ मुक्तिधाम मे रहने वाली हूँ...मैं शिव वंशी हूँ...फिर ब्रह्मा कुमार कुमारी  हूँ...शिव बाबा बाप हैं...ब्रह्मा बाबा दादा है...दोनो  इकट्ठे   बापदादा हैं...शिव बाबा ब्रह्मा बाबा मे विराजमान होकर राज योग सिखाते हैं...जिससे मैं विष्णुपूरी की मालिक बनती हूँ...ब्राह्मण से देवता बनती हूँ ...बाबा मुझे रिज्युवनेत
 करते हैं...मेरी काया-कल्पतरु  बनाते हैं...अमर बनाते हैं...अमरलोक के मा लिक बनाते हैं..ब्राह्मण बनाते हैं...देवता बनाते हैं...मैं संगम युग में खड़ी हूँ...ज्ञान सागर से मिलती हूँ...ज्ञान सागर में ज्ञान स्नान कर ज्ञान गंगा बनती हूँ... पावणी गंगा बनती हूँ...पतित से पावन बनती हूँ...बाबा हमे लेने आयें  हैं...अब घर जाना है...मुक्तिधाम वापस जाना है...
स्वमान और आत्मा अभ्यास:
१. हम- मैं आत्मा शिव बाबा का बच्चा हूँ...शिव वंशी हूँ...
२. हम- आत्मायें  ब्रह्मा मुख वंशावली ब्राह्मण हैं...आपस में भाई-बहन हैं...
३. हम- मैं आत्मा त्रिकालदर्शी हूँ... झाड़ और ड्रामा का राज़ समझता हूँ....   जीते  जी  मरता  हूँ ...
४. मेरा तो एक शिव बाबा दूसरा ना कोई...
५. हम- मैं आत्मा पक्का वैष्णव हूँ...पवित्र हूँ...पावन  हूँ ...शुद्ध  हूँ ...सात्विक  हूँ ...सतोप्रधान  हूँ ...
६. हम- मैं आत्मा ताजधारी, तख्तधारी, तिलकधारी दिल्तख्तनशीन हूँ...
७. हम- मैं आत्मा कल्याणी हूँ...सभी को शुभ भावना और शुभ कामना के सकाश देता हूँ...
८. हम- मैं आत्मा सरल हूँ...सरल याद वाला हूँ...सरल  संस्कार  वाला  हूँ ...
९. हम- मैं आत्मा शान्ति सागर का संतान शान्त स्वरूप हूँ...सारे विष्व को शान्ति का दान कर रहा हूँ...शान्ति की किरणे  चारों और फैला रहा हूँ...
ज्ञान सूची:
जगत माता, जगत अंबा, प्रजा माता सरस्वती एक को ही कहेंगे...जगत पिता है प्रजापिता, सारे जगत का पिता...सकारी मनुष्य आत्माओं का बाप....दूसरा जगत पिता है निराकार शिवबाबा... परमपिता परमात्मा शिव... सर्व आत्माओं के पिता...
बाप कहते हैं...मुझे याद करो तो पतित से पावन बन जाएँगे...
सतयुग में एक पिता होता है...
भक्ति मार्ग में दो पिता...लौकिक  और पारलौकिक...
संगम युग में तीन पिता...लौकिक, अलौकिक (ब्रह्मा बाबा) और पारलौकिक (शिव बाबा)...
 पुराने वा अवगुणों का अग्नि संस्कार   १९ .........भय डर घबराहट.... बदलकर ...मैं आत्मा निडर निर्वेर निर्भय निश्चिंत  हूँ .........
....मैं आत्मा परमधाम शान्तिधाम शिवालय में हूँ ..... शिवबाबा के साथ हूँ ..... समीप हूँ .... समान हूँ ..... सम्मुख हूँ .....  सेफ हूँ ..... बाप की छत्रछाया में हूँ .....अष्ट इष्ट महान सर्व श्रेष्ठ हूँ ...... मैं आत्मा मास्टर ज्ञानसूर्य हूँ .... मास्टर रचयिता हूँ ..... मास्टर महाकाल हूँ ..... मास्टर सर्व शक्तिवान हूँ ..... शिव शक्ति कमबाइनड  हूँ  ........ अकालतक्खनशीन  हूँ ....अकालमूर्त हूँ ..... अचल अडोल अंगद एकरस एकटिक एकाग्र स्थिरियम अथक और बीजरूप  हूँ ........ शक्तिमूर्त ..... संहारनीमूर्त ...... अलंकारीमूर्त ..... कल्याणीमूर्त हूँ ......शक्ति सेना हूँ ..... शक्तिदल हूँ ...... सर्वशक्तिमान हूँ ......  रुहे गुलाब .... जलतीज्वाला .... ज्वालामुखी ....  ज्वालास्वरूप .... ज्वालाअग्नि हूँ .... भय डर घबराहट.............अवगुणों का आसुरी संस्कार का अग्नि संस्कार कर रही हूँ ........ जला रही हूँ ...... भस्म कर रही हूँ ......  मैं आत्मा महारथी महावीर भय डर घबराहट........... के  मायावी संस्कार पर विजयी रूहानी सेनानी हूँ .......... मैं आत्मा निडर निर्वेर निर्भय निश्चिंत  हूँ................ .मैं देही -अभिमानी ..... आत्म-अभिमानी..... रूहानी अभिमानी .....परमात्म अभिमानी..... परमात्म ज्ञानी ..... परमात्म भाग्यवान..... सर्वगुण सम्पन्न  ..... सोला  ला सम्पूर्ण ..... सम्पूर्ण निर्विकारी ..... मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम  ...... डबल अहिंसक  हूँ ..... डबल ताजधारी ..... विष्व  का मालिक हूँ ..... मैं आत्मा ताजधारी ..... तख़्तधारी ..... तिलकधारी ..... दिलतक्खनशीन  ..... डबललाइट ..... सूर्यवंशी शूरवीर ....... महाबली महाबलवान ..... बाहुबलि पहलवान ....... अष्ट भुजाधारी अष्ट शक्तिधारी   अस्त्र शस्त्रधारी शिवमई शक्ति हूँ .....  

Video of Murli Essence:
Song:Mata o mata Song: Mother, O Mother, you are the Bestower of Fortune for the world!
गीत:- माता ओ माता.......
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!
Points to Churn from the Murli of July 19, 2011:
Praise of Baba: 
My Baba...Sweet Baba...Loving Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul is....the True Father...the True Teacher...the True Guru... the Father of the World...The Father of all Souls...the Purifier...the Creator...the Ocean of Knowledge...the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness...the Liberator...
Star Point: (Practice all day):
   I am a soul... totally involved and absorbed in remembrance...I make everyone’s bodies as eternal as the Kalpa Tree...
 Yog Commentary:
I am a soul...I live in the land of liberation with Shiv Baba...I belong to the Shiv dynasty...after that I become a Brahmakumar kumari...Shiv Baba is the Father...Brahma Baba is Dada...the two together are Bapdada...Shiv Baba is seated in Brahma Baba and teaches me Raj Yoga...whereby I become the master of the land of Vishnu...from a Brahmin I become a deity...Baba rejuvenates me...He makes my body eternal like the Kalpa Tree...He makes me immortal...He makes me the master of the land of immortality...a Brahmin...a deity...I am standing at the confluence age...I meet the Ocean of Knowledge...I bathe in the Ocean of Knowledge and become the Ganges of knowledge...the purifying Ganges..I become pure from impure...Baba has come to take us I want to go back the sweet land of liberation...

Self Respect and Soul Study:                        
1.   We- I am a soul...a child of Shiv Baba...belonging to the clan of Shiva...
2.   We, the souls, are the mouth born creations of Brahma...we are all brothers and sisters...
3.   We- I am a soul...Trikaaldarshi...I know the secrets of the tree and the drama...I have died alive...(Knower of the three aspects of time)
4.   I belong only to the One Shiv Baba and none other...
5.   We- I am a soul...a true and firm Vaishnav...I am pure, holy, unadulterated, clean, satvik and satopradhan...( ingest only  pure food and drink)....
6.   We- I am a soul...wearing a crown, seated on a throne, anointed with a tilak, seated on Baba’s heart throne...(a vermillion mark on the forehead)
7.   We- I am a soul... a benefactor...I give sakash of pure feelings and good wishes to all...
8.   We- I am a soul...with an easy nature...with easy sanskars...with easy remembrance...
9.   We- I am a soul...a child of the Ocean of embodiment of peace...I give the donation of peace to the whole world...I spread the rays of peace to the whole world...
            Study Points:
The World Mother, The World Amba, the Prajamata, Saraswati all are the same ...the World Father, Prajapita, is the father of the whole world...the other Father of the World is the Incorporeal Shiv Baba...the Supreme Father the Supreme Soul Shiv...the Father of all souls...
The Father says: if you remember Me, then you will become pure from impure...
In the golden age there is only one father...
On the path of devotion there are two Fathers...Lokik and Parlokik(worldly, and from beyond this world)
At the confluence age, there are three Fathers..Lokik, Alokik(Brahma Baba) and Parlokik (Shiv Baba
In the Milan of April 13, 2011, Bapdada has told us to cremate our old sanskars. (Sanskar ka sanskar karo) Not just to suppress them, but to completely burn them, so there is no trace or progeny left.
Check and change now. Have volcanic yoga ( Jwala swaroop) We have time until the next Milan on October 19th. Let us work on one each day. Please share your experiences... cremate our old sanskars 19.... To lack courage, to be afraid, to show fear........ replace them with by being brave, free from hostility, free from fear, free from worry...
I am a soul...I reside in the Incorporeal world...the land of peace...Shivalaya...I am with the Father...I am close to the Father...I am equal to the Father...I am sitting personally in front of the the canopy of protection of the Father...I am the eight armed deity...a  special deity...I am great and elevated...I, the soul am the master sun of knowledge...a master creator...master lord of death...master almighty authority... Shivshakti combined...immortal image...seated on an immortal throne...immovable, unshakable Angad, stable in one stage, in a constant stage, with full concentration....steady, tireless and a seed...the embodiment of power...the image of a embodiment of ornaments...the image of a bestower...the Shakti Army...the Shakti almighty authority...the spiritual rose...a blaze...a embodiment of a blaze...a fiery blaze...I am cremating the sanskar of  lacking  courage, being afraid, showing fear.........I am burning them...I am turning them into ashes...I, the soul am a maharathi...a mahavir...I am the victorious spiritual soldier that is conquering the vice of ... lacking  courage, being afraid, showing being brave, free from hostility, free from fear, free from worry...........I , the soul, am soul conscious, conscious of the soul, spiritually conscious, conscious of the Supreme Soul, have knowledge of the Supreme Soul, am fortunate for knowing the Supreme Soul.....I am full of all virtues, 16 celestial degrees full, completely vice less, the most elevated human being following the code of conduct, doubly non-violent, with double crown...I am the master of the world, seated on a throne, anointed with a tilak, seated on Baba’s heart throne, double light, belonging to the sun dynasty, a valiant warrior, an  extremely powerful and  an extremely strong wrestler with very strong arms...eight arms, eight powers, weapons and armaments, I am the Shakti merged in Shiv...

Points in Hindi with English script:
Om Shanti divya farishte!!
Vichaar sagar manthan: July 19, 2011
Baba ki Mahima:                        
Parampita Paramatma Shiv Baba hai...mera Baba...pyaara Baba...meetha Baba...dayalu Baba...Kripalu Baba...Sat Baap...Sat Teacher...Sat Guru..Jagat Pita...God Father.... sarv atmaon ke Pita...Patit  Paavan...Rachyita...Gyan ka Sagar...Dukh harta Sukh Karta...Libaratar...
Star Point:(Sara din praktis kijiye)    
     Mai atma yaad ki lagan me magan hun...sabhiki ki kaya-kalpatru banati hun...

 Yog Commentary:
Main atma...shiv baba ke saath muktidham me rahane wali hun...main shiv vanshi hun...fir brahma kumar kumari  hun...shiv baba baap hain...Brahma baba dada hai...dono ikathe bapdada hain...shiv baba brahma baba me viraaj maan hokar raj yog sikhate hain...jise main vishnupuri ki maalik banti hun...brahman se devta se kshatriy banti hun ...baba mujhe rijuvnet karte hain...kaya kalpatru banate hain...amar banaate hain...amarlok ke malik banaate hain..brahman banaate hain...devta banaate hain...main sangam yug men khadi hun...gyan sagar se milti hun...gyan sagar men gyan snaan kar gyan ganga banti hun... paavani ganga banti hun...patit se paavan banti hun...baba hame lene aya hain...ab ghar jana hai...muktidham vapas jana hai...

Swamaan aur atma abhyas:
1.   Hum- main atma shiv baba ka bachcha hun...shiv vanshi hun...
2.   Hum- atmayen  brahma mukh vanshavali Brahman hain...aapas men bhai-bahan hain...
3.   Hum- main atma trikaaldarshi hun... jhaad aur drama ka raaz samajhta hun...jeete ji marta hun...
4.   Mera to ek Shiv Baba doosra na koi...
5.   Hum- main atma pakka vaishnav hun...pavitr hun...paavan hun...shuddh hun...satvik hun...satopradhan hun...
6.   Hum- main atma taaj dhari, takht dhaari, tilak dhaari diltakht nasheen hun...
7.   Hum- main atma kalyaani hun...sabhi ko shubh bhavna aur shubh kaamna ke sakaash deta hun...
8.   Hum- main atma saral hun...saral yaad wala hun...saral sanskaar wala hun...
9.   Hum- main atma shanti sagar ka santaan shant swaroop hun...sare vishve ko shanti ka daan kar raha hun...shanti ki kirane charon aur failaa raha hun...

Jagat mata, jagat amba, praja mata saraswati ek ko hi kahenge...jagat pita hai prajapita, sare jagat ka pita...sakari manushya atmaon ka baap....doosra jagat pita hai nirakar shivbaba... Parampita Paramatma Shiv... sarv atmaon ke Pita...
Baap kahate hain...mujhe yaad karo to patit se paavan ban jayenge...
Satyug men ek pita hota hai...
Bhakti marg men do pita..Lokik  aur parlokik...
Sangam yug men teen pita...lokik, alokik (Brahma baba) aur parlokik (shiv baba)
 Poorane va avguno ka agni sanskar...19.......bhay, dar ghabharaahat......mai atma nidar, nirvair,nirbhay aur nishchint hun.........mai atma paramdham shantidham, shivalay men hun...shivbaba ke saath hun...sameep hun...samaan hun...sammukh hun...baap ki chhatra chaaya men hun...asht, isht, mahaan sarv shreshth hun...mai atma master gyan surya hun...master rachyita hun...master mahakaal hun...master sarv shakti vaan hun...shiv shakti combined hun...akaal takht nasheen hun...akaal moort hun...achal adol angad ekras ektik ekagr sthiriom athak aur beej roop hun...shaktimoort hun...sanharinimoort hun...alankarimoort hun...kalyani moort hun...shakti sena hun...shakti dal hun...sarvshaktimaan hun...roohe gulab...jalti jwala...jwala mukhi...jwala swaroop...jwala agni hun... bhay, dar, ghabharaahat .........avguno ka asuri sanskar kar rahi hun...jala rahi hun..bhasm kar rahi hun...mai atma, maharathi mahavir bhay, dar, mayavi sanskar par vijayi ruhani senani hun...mai atma nidar, nirvair,nirbhay aur nishchint hun... mai dehi abhimaani...atm abhimaani...ruhani abhimaani...Parmatm abhimaani...parmatm gyaani...parmatm bhagyvaan...sarvagunn sampann...sola kala sampoorn...sampoorn nirvikari...maryada purushottam...double ahinsak hun...double tajdhaari vishv ka malik hun...mai atma taj dhaari...takht dhaari...tilak dhaari...diltakhtnasheen...double light...soorya vanshi shoorvir...mahabali mahabalwaan...bahubali pahalwaan...asht bhujaadhaari...asht shakti dhaari...astr shastr dhaari shivmai shakti ...

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