Posted by : PooMac Photography Studio Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Have I become a remover of sorrow?

Baba has told us of so many aspects. Now what is left for us to do? It is necessary to go into silence. In a second go inside into deep silence. You will then be liberated to from external things: listening, seeing and speaking. All I have to do now is to take myself into the soul conscious stage and to remember only that which Baba tells me. I then have to look at everyone in the same way as Baba looks at everyone. The way we used to look at everything and think about things has totally changed. It is time to develop an attitude of absolute disinterest. Neither do I have any desire or expectation from any human soul, or for any material things. We have to leave all attachment now. If you have even a little attachment then you will not receive love from Baba.

When the soul receives love from Baba then the flame of love emerges within and the soul can remain lost in God’s love. It is the heat from that fire that turns the iron into gold and removes all alloy. This needs to happen now because it is time for us to change into pure gold. Thus, I need to ensure that I am keeping my flame of love for Baba lit constantly. I need to check this for myself. Have I left all iron aged sanskaras, or am I holding on to something? Have I become totally true or is there just a little falsehood left within me? If you do not become true then you will continue to shake in one aspect or another.
In order to establish a true kingdom, God needs His children to become true. In the true religion there will be no name or trace or sorrow. We have to now become the removers of sorrow and the bestowers of peace for the entire world. Ask yourself: Have I become a remover of sorrow and a bestower of peace? What is the method to remove the sorrow of others? It is to give happiness.
Honesty, humility, patience… These qualities are the inheritance we receive on coming to Baba. Have I emerged all of these in myself? Have I become totally true? Having come to Baba have I liberated myself from telling lies? There are no questions left to ask. Baba has told us everything clearly and my task is to have the courage to follow what He says. Baba makes everything totally clear to us. What is there then left to do? I have to become Manmanabhav and remember the inheritance. I have to make sure that my thoughts, words and deeds are such that I am claiming the full inheritance. There is no other time to do this. There will be no other chance. Have I made myself such that Baba would consider me His good child?
It is thanks to Brahma Baba’s tapasya that we are here. What is my task now then? It is to stay in solitude, to be introverted and to remain concentrated. I may be with many people but I should remain in solitude. Only then can my intellect concentrate on remembering the Father. I can then become unshakeable and immovable. Only then would one be called a maharahti. One who is a horse rider (cavalry) would not always be able to control his intellect. Why does everyone love elephants? Because they are true and sincere. They are stable. If anyone were to give an elephant money, he would lift it up and give it to its master. An elephant can even understand what is real money and what is just paper. It will never accept paper. An elephant will accept food with a lot of love. So now, become an elephant rider. Do not remain as a horse rider! An elephant rider moves ahead with confidence, without any doubt or worry.
There are five elements and this body is also made up of the five elements. What will be left at the end, at the time of destruction? The soul and the Supreme Soul and the karmas of the soul. This body will not remain. This is why we have to finish all our negative karmas now. We will then be able to fly away peacefully with Baba. It is the time of darkness in the world (Kaliyug) but the Sun of Knowledge has risen and brought the dawn.
Become Hanuman – one who lifts the mountain. A victorious soul! Hanuman challenged Raven: I will destroy your kingdom! So now… conquer all vices and become a conqueror of the world! Leave all that is old. Do not look at anything negative. A maharathi will never look at the weaknesses or bad habits of others. To look at them, to listen to others speaking about them and to talk about them yourself are actually sins. Be aware of this. Remember the three monkeys: See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. There are also two more to remember: Think no evil and do no evil. When I think no evil then seeing, hearing, speaking and doing also finish. When transformation takes place within even just once, all your doubts will finish.
Om Shanti

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