Posted by : PooMac Photography Studio Monday, November 5, 2012

Points to Churn from the Murli of November 6, 2012

Praise of Baba:
The Ocean of Knowledge, the Incorporeal Purifier, the Supreme Father, and the Supreme Soul Shiv Baba is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Loving Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the True Father...the True Teacher...the Unlimited Father...the Unlimited Businessman...the Most Beloved Father...Knowledge-full...Blissful...

Points of Self-Respect and Soul Study:

Knowledge :     By churning the ocean of knowledge, we, the souls, experience a form of entertainment (ramnik)...we reform with the lessons taught by the Teacher with love...we make a promise never to leave the Father, attain scholarship and become ever-wealthy...

We are the Godly students who get the knowledge of thoughts, sinful thoughts and being free from thoughts, that is, about action, neutral action and sinful action from the Father at the confluence age and become free from sins...

Yoga:  We, the souls, remember Shiv Baba and the inheritance with a lot of love...we have disinterest in the iron-aged world, and love for the golden-aged being in the Godly race, we see the scenes of the new world...we are the gopes and gopis swinging on the swing of super sensuous joy...

I belong to One Shiv Baba and none other...with this final mantra, the mantra that disciplines the mind, we are victorious over systematically sacrificing the vices, we become yogyukt... by remembering the somersault of 84 births, by becoming the spinners of the discus of self realization, we remain in limitless happiness on the pilgrimage of remembrance...we have loving intellects for the Father and are ever-healthy...

 By waking up early in the morning, we have sweet heart-to-heart conversations with the Father...while eating and doing our work we bubble up in practicing to be in the bodiless stage, we benefit ourselves, and by reaching the karmateet stage we attain a high status, and become the masters of heaven...

Dharna:    We, the souls, receive the sovereignty of the unlimited world from the Unlimited Father...we repeatedly continue to look at the badge and continue to say “Baba Baba!” following God’s shrimat we become elevated and accurate, like Laxmi-Narayan... by imbibing courage and checking ourselves, we make effort day and night in our stage of retirement, make our individual fortune and become the deities of the land of immortality...

By becoming soul conscious, we transform our vision, that is, we have a vision of brotherhood and make the vision of being brothers and sisters firm...we are the Brahmakumars and Brahmakumaris  who become worthy, and sing “Wah my fortune, wah!” with great intoxication and become yogis radiant with joy...

By having full victory over vices and full victory over sinful thoughts, and having thoughts only of God, we go beyond any thoughts of happiness and settling our karmic accounts, we are beyond actions and neutral actions, in a stage of being free of actions and free from thoughts...

Service:  By having thoughts of doing service all day, we, the souls, feel restless without doing service... With broad and unlimited intellects, and by being very sweet, we teach others like the Father and become elevated teachers...

we save our time by doing the service of making the world  land of happiness from a land of sorrow, pure from impure, and beautiful from ugly, by surrounding the whole globe...we are the instruments of making the whole world pure, and remain in happiness and  tireless by receiving God’s help...

With a stage filled with knowledge and yoga, and by being  pure, free from anger, free from attachment, and free from greed, we do very good service...we fulfill our responsibilities by having pure thoughts, and serving our friends and relatives with alokik and spiritual being vice-proof, we make others equal to us...

Blessing:   Say “My Baba” from the heart and with love...
We, the souls, are the embodiments of success...we make the effort with the accurate method to transform the many forms of “mine” into “My Baba”, experience powerful yoga and constantly move forward easily...

Slogan:  By having accurate knowledge, accurate yoga and accurate dharna, we, the souls, become the conquerors of the mind, the conquerors of maya and so the conquerors of the world...

 शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!
विचार सागर मंथननवंबर 6, 2012

बाबा की महिमा:
ज्ञान के सागर पतित पावन निराकार परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाबा हैं...मेरा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा...मीठा बाबा...दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा... सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु... बेहद का बाप...बेहदके व्यापारी...मोस्ट बिल्व्ड बाप...नॉलेजफुल...ब्लीसफ़ुल...

स्वमान और आत्मा अभ्यास :

ज्ञान : हम आत्माएँविचार सागर मंथन कर रमणिकता अनुभव करनेवालेटीचर से प्यार भरी शिक्षा लेकर सुधरनेवालेअपने से बाप को कभी ना छोड़ने का पक्का प्रण कर स्कालरशिप लेनेवाले,एवर-वेल्दी हैं...

बाप से संकल्पविकल्प निःसंकल्प अथवा कर्मअकर्म और विकर्म का ज्ञान बाप से संगम पर पढ़कर विकर्मों से छूटनेवालेगॉड्ली स्टूडेंट हैं...

योग: हम आत्माएँशिव बाबा और वर्से को बहुत प्यार से याद कर कलियुगी दुनिया से वैराग और सतयुगी दुनिया से प्यार करनेवालेईश्वरीय रेस में रहकर नई दुनिया के नज़ारे देखनेवाले,अतीन्द्रिय सुख के झूले में झूलनेवाले गोप-गोपियाँ हैं...

मेरा तो एक शिव बाबा दूसरा ना कोई...यही अंतिम मंत्रवशीकरण मंत्र से रावण पर जीत पानेवालेकायदे सिर सभी विकारों की आहुति देनेवाले योग युक्त हैं... 84 जन्मों की बाजोली याद रख,स्वदर्शनचक्रधारी बन याद की यात्रा पर सदैव अथाह खुशी में रहनेवालेबाप से प्रीत बुद्धि रखनेवालेएवर-हेल्दी हैं...

सवेरे-सवेरे उठकर बाप को याद करबाबा से मीठी मीठी रूहरीहान करनेवालेभोजन खातेकामकाज करते बाबा की याद में रहकर गदगद होनेवालेअशरीरी बननेका अभ्यास कर अपना कल्याणकरनेवालेकर्मातीत अवस्था पाकर ऊँच पद पानेवालेस्वर्ग के मालिक हैं...

धारणा: हम आत्माएँबेहद के बाप से बेहद विश्व की बादशाही पानेवालेबैज को घड़ी-घड़ी देखते-देखते बाबा-बाबा करनेवालेभगवान की श्रीमत पर चल श्रेष्ठ और एक्युरेट बननेवालेलक्ष्मी-नारायण हैं ...वानप्रस्थ अवस्था में साहस धारण करअपनी चेकिंग कर रात-दिन पुरुषार्थ कर अपनी इंडिविजयुअल तकदीर बनानेवालेअमरलोक के देवता हैं...

देही-अभिमानी बन दृष्टि परिवर्तित करनेवालेभाई-भाई और भाई-बहन की दृष्टि पक्की करनेवालेनिश्चय बुद्धि ब्रह्माकुमारब्रह्माकुमारी हैं...लायक बनवाह तकदीर वाह के गीत गाकरमस्ताने होनेवालेमस्त योगी हैं...

विकारों पर पूर्ण जीत पानेवालेविकल्प पर पूर्ण जीत पानेवालेईश्वर अर्थ संकल्प रखनेवालेदुख सुख से न्यारेहिसाब-किताब चुकतू कर कर्म अकर्म से परेअकर्मी अवस्था वालेनिःसंकल्प हैं...

सेवा: हम आत्माएँविशाल बुद्धि बनस्वीट बनसारा दिन सर्विस के ख्यालात में रहनेवालेसर्विस बिगैर चैन  पानेवालेऔरों को पढ़ाकर ऊँच टीचर बननेवालेबाप समान हैं...

सारी दुनिया पर घेराव डालकर विश्व को दुखधाम से सुखधामपतित से पावनक़ाला से गोरा बनानेकी सेवा कर अपना टाइम सेफ करनेवालेईश्वर की मदद से अथक बन खुशी में रहनेवालेसारीदुनिया को शुद्ध बनाना के निमित्त हैं...

ज्ञान विज्ञान मे अवस्था वालेपवित्र रहकर निरक्रोधीनिरमोहिनिरलोभी बन अच्छी सर्विस करनेवालेशुद्ध संकल्प की सेवा करनेवालेमित्र-सम्बन्धियों की सर्विस अलौकिक ईश्वरीय दृष्टि सेकरफ़र्ज़ अदा करनेवालेऔरों को आप समान बनानेवालेविकार-प्रूफ हैं...

वरदान: दिल से कहो मेरा बाबाप्यार से कहो मेरा बाबा ...
हम आत्माएँअनेक मेरे को मेरा बाबा” में परिवर्तित करनेकी पुरुषार्थ की यथार्थ विधि से शक्तिशालि योग की अनुभूति कर आगे बढ़नेवालेसिद्धि स्वरूप हैं...

स्लोगन : हम आत्माएँज्ञानयुक्तयोगयुक्त धारणायुक्त बन मनजीतमायजीतसो जगतजीत हैं...

Om Shanti divya farishte !!!

Vichaar Sagar Manthan: Navambar 6, 2012

Baba ki Mahima:
Gyan ke Sagar Patit Paavan Niraakaar Parampita Paramatma Shiv Baba hain...Mera Baba...Pyaara Baba...Meetha Baba...Dayalu Baba...Kripalu Baba... Sat Baap...Sat Tichar...Sat Guru... Behad ka Baap...Behad ke Vyaapaari...Most Bilved Baap...Nolejful...Blis ful...

Swamaan aur Atma Abhyas :

Gyan : Hum atmaayen, vichaar sagar manthan kar ramnikta anubhav karnewale, tichar se pyar bhari shiksha lekar sudharnewale, apne se baap ko kabhi na chhodne ka pakka pran kar  skaalarship lenewale, evar-weldy hain...

Baap se sankalp, vikalp nihsankalp athva karm, akarm aur vikarm ka gyan baap se sangam par padhkar vikarmon se chhootnewale, godly stoodent hain...

Yog:   Hum atmaayen, shiv baba aur varse ko bahut pyar se yaad kar kaliyugi duniya se vairaag aur satyugi duniya se pyaar karnewale, ishwariy res men rahkar nai duniya ke nazaare dekhnewale, atindriy sukh ke jhoole men jhoolnewale gop-gopiyaan hain...

Mera to ek Shiv Baba doosra na koi...yahi antim mantr, vashikaran mantr se ravan par jeet paanewale, kaayde  sir sabhi vikaaron ki aahuti denewale  yog yukt hain... 84 janmon ki baajoli yaad rakh, sw darshan chakr dhaari ban yaad ki yaatra par sadaiv athaah khushi men rahnewale, baap se preet buddhi rakhnewale, evar-haldy  hain...

Savere-savere oothkar baap ko yaad kar, baba se meethi meethi ruhrihaan karnewale, bhojan khate, kaam kaaj karte baba ki yaad men rahkar gadgad honewale, ashareeree ban neka  abhyaas kar apna kalyaan karnewale, karmateet avastha paakar oonch pad paanewale, swarg ke maalik hain...

Dhaarna:   Hum atmaayen, Behad ke baap se behad vishv ki badshaahi paanewale, baaij ko ghadi-ghadi dehte-dekte baba-baba karnewale,bhagwaan ki shrimat par chal shreshth aur ekyuret ban  laxmi-narayan ban newale hain ...vaan prasth avastha men saahas dhaaran kar, apni cheking kar raat-din purushaarth kar apni indivijyual takdeer banaanewale, amarlok ke devta hain...

Dehi-abhimaani ban drishti parivartit karnewale, bhai-bhai aur bhai-bahan ki drishti pakki karnewale, nishchay buddhi brahma kumar, brahma kumaari hain...layak ban, wah takdeer wah ke geet gaakar mastaane honewale, mast yogi hain...

Vikaaron par poorn jeet paanewale, vikalp par poorn jeet paanewale, ishwar arth sankalp rakhnewale, dukh sukh se nyaare, hisaab-kitaab chuktoo kar karm akarm se pare, akarmi avastha wale, nirsankalp hain...

Seva:    Hum atmaayen, vishaal buddhi ban, sweet ban, sara din sarvis ke khyaalaat men rahnewale, sarvis bigair chain n paanewale, auron ko padhaakar oonch tichar ban newale, baap samaan hain...

sari duniya par gheraav daal kar vishv ko dukhdhaam se sukhdhaam, patit se paavan, kala se gora banaaneki seva kar apna taaim sef karnewale,
ishwar ki madad se athak ban khushi men rahnewale, sari duniya ko shuddh banana ke nimitt hain....

gyan vigyan may avastha wale, pavitr rahkar nir krodhi, nir mohi, nir lobhi ban achchi sarvis karnewale, shuddh sankalp ki seva karnewale, mitr-sambandhaniyon ki sarvis alaukik ishwariy drishti se karnewale, farz ada karnewale, auron ko aap samaan banaanewale, vikaar-proof hain...

Vardaan:  Dil se kaho Mera Baba, pyar se kaho Mera Baba ...

Hum atmaayen, Anek mere ko “mera baba” men parivartit karneki purushaarth ki yathaarth vidi se  shakti shaali yog ki anubhooti kar aage badhnewale, siddhi swaroop hain...

Slogan:  Hum atmaayen, gyan yukt, yog yukt dhaarna yukt ban man jeet, mayajeet, so jagat jeet hain...

Dear BK Family.... Since March 1, 2012, we have started special Mansa service country wise, in alphabetical order. There are more than 200 countries in the world and each day we can serve one country right from Amritvela until Night ... (this may also give us knowledge of a bit of history and geography) Please join us, it is an open invitation to all...
With Bapdada’s and the Advance Party's blessings, let us continue
the World Service Tour: November 6, 2012: 

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