Posted by : Biradar Mahesh Thursday, June 9, 2011

God’s drishti finishes all sorrow
The wonder  of Baba’s children is that we have died whilst living. My future depends on my actions now. Baba reminds us of the future in every Murli. He tells us what the Golden Age will be like. He teaches us how to become free at the Confluence so that we can perform good actions to create our reward for the future. We are free from the bondages of the body, from the influence and attractions of the Iron Age, and also from the influence of our old nature and sanskaras. We are also free in our minds. We make our minds free through ‘Manmanabhav’ and it is the heart that says ‘thanks’ for this.

When there is remembrance of the one Father, madyajibhav happens automatically.  The mind which was so involved with the body and things of the physical world has been liberated. The mind has been liberated from these things because Baba has told us that everything we see now is perishable.  There are 18 chapters in the Gita and Baba became avyakt on the 18th of January.

I am a Pandav. I don’t need anything. Whilst the Kauravas need fashion and the things of the world, we the Pandavas are completely simple. I  have achieved God… what could I possibly need? I have come to Baba and He is giving me drishti. Through the drishti of Baba, the soul experiences intense happiness. God’s drishti finishes all sorrow from a soul’s past and gives the soul happiness.
Having come to the One who gives happiness, we have only to live in His lane and to die in His lane. God is holding me in His lap. What other desires can there be? At the time of amrit vela I am a child. At the time of the Murli I am a student. After the Murli revise it by  yourself or with others. During the rest of the day  I am a karma yoga. It’s not a big thing to stay in remembrance during the day. If you remain in remembrance you don’t have to make effort to keep fixing that which is broken. Stay in remembrance and any situation that comes in front of you  will get solved easily. Through remembrance our sins get destroyed and our age increases. In fact, what else is there apart from remembrance?
It is the time to become holy. One who is not holy will not  be able to speak accurately. If the soul has good yoga then purity automatically emerges in the soul because it is remembering the purifier Father. Baba fills us completely with purity, peace, happiness and power. Happiness fills the soul and there is the feeling that there is no deficiency. This is the Confluence; it is the time to become full of all virtues. Become full of all virtues and you  will fly towards your karmateet stage… towards the avyakt stage.
Om Shanti

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