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- Dear Dadi Janki,
Posted by : PooMac Photography Studio
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Dear Dadi Janki,
Om Shanti. Greetings of Pure Love.
Thank you for your reply.
Dadi there are just some clarifications we feel it’s important for Dadi to address:
>It is ok for a student to be allowed to have access to webcast murli even if she is just lazy to go the murli location? (few minutes away only) She listens to a room where lokiks are sleeping and her house is just 5 minutes away from Baba's murli location. As she was allowed she did detrimental things (like destroying Baba's banner) because for her she is more believed than Baba's home despite of her denials.
Om Shanti. Greetings of Pure Love.
Thank you for your reply.
Dadi there are just some clarifications we feel it’s important for Dadi to address:
>It is ok for a student to be allowed to have access to webcast murli even if she is just lazy to go the murli location? (few minutes away only) She listens to a room where lokiks are sleeping and her house is just 5 minutes away from Baba's murli location. As she was allowed she did detrimental things (like destroying Baba's banner) because for her she is more believed than Baba's home despite of her denials.
>Dadi, the said student also still eats meat, calls a man her “lovey” and there is chance that she is not practicing celibacy as she has shared before that she might become a stone and that she planned to falsify her Madhuban form. Dadi, the student also shared that she does not have any plan to become a Brahma Kumari yet. There are a lot of things that she is sharing to us but can’t share to the NC and to the CC where webcast is being operated.
>Hence, our concern Dadi is : if the said student is allowed to have an access to webcast and is it still helpful that she joins the family as she will only be influencing other students?
In fact, one student is wondering how come she is allowed to have access to webcast murli when in the guideline that was given is that a student can only have access if there is no murli location/center in that place.
>Dadi, we want to become a part of the yagya and follow yagya systems. Baba mentioned this many times when one of us was in Madhuban last season.
The NC said that the murli location is not a yagya. Some BKs are wondering that this murli location is not a yagya. Lokik souls are wondering that the service place is neither in the flyer nor in the website.
>The NC discouraged two souls to attend murli in Baba's murli location and discourage some members of the family to help since this is not a yagya. The NC and the CC where the webcast murli is being operated is just using the student to put the murli location down. In reality Dadi, when the student was allowed to have access they did not coordinate the information as they know that it is wrong to permit someone to have access when there is a murli location/center in that place.
>Dadi,we are just renting the place where the murli location is located and we are not from this place. Since the BK family is discouraged to help we can no longer sustain this just by our salary. In other words, this is not a Gita Patshala as we do not own this house/place.
>Dadi, if we continue to stay here we will not have access to BOL and we don't want to miss Baba's meeting online at all. Since this is not yagya, the NC will continue to marginalize the service place.
>The NC already discouraged 2 souls to attend murli here. So, Dadi what other worst thing she can do as she has touched Baba's murli.
The RC always adheres to the NC so even if we have been honest with the RC whatever the NC wants are the ones that are being followed.
>Dadi , do you think that it is just better for us to move in another place and just focus on our inner stage or move to a service place where it is a yagya and where Yagya systems are being followed? (perhaps in another country that is not under the NC)
Someone can be assigned to look after this murli location who is willing to submit to whatever the NC wants even if it’s already against shrimat/systems.
We will continue to give good wishes to the NC and RC (and to everyone) but Dadi we want also to be free from just following parmat and we want to be in a service place where it is a Yagya. Dadi, we are not insisting the murli location that it should be inagurated as a center but in our heart we want to be a part of the Yagya .Hence, we thought of just moving out in this place and transfer to another service place or just focus on our inner stage.
We will continue to give good wishes to the NC and RC (and to everyone) but Dadi we want also to be free from just following parmat and we want to be in a service place where it is a Yagya. Dadi, we are not insisting the murli location that it should be inagurated as a center but in our heart we want to be a part of the Yagya .Hence, we thought of just moving out in this place and transfer to another service place or just focus on our inner stage.
Dadi, our concern is that after the NC or the RC will learn that we shared these things to you, the NC might do bad things secretly as she has started already. The NC has the position and she has a good convincing power.