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- Murli 8 oct
Posted by : PooMac Photography Studio
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Essence: Sweet children, remember with great happiness the Father who makes your life like a diamond and the rust will be removed.
Question: Who will become beads of the rosary and what is the effort required for that?
Answer: Those who do not remember anything at the end will become beads of the rosary. Such children who reach their karmateet stage will become beads of the rosary. Those who are wealthy and have many factories etc. have to forget all of those. There should be no attachment to anyone and no consciousness of “mine”. Just consider this one to be your brother (soul). There is only spiritual connection and no other connection. Only the children who maintain such spiritual connection and forget everything else can become beads of the rosary.
Essence for dharna:
1. In order to claim a high status, remain very peaceful and become sweet. Interact with everyone with love.
2. You have to forget whatever you have surrendered to Baba; it should not be remembered. Never think that you are giving to Baba.
Blessing: May you be loving to Father Brahma and become merged in his arms and serve as his arms.
The children who are loving to the Father remain constantly merged in the arms of Father Brahma. The arms of Father Brahma are a means of safety for you children. Those who are loving and lovely are always in the arms. In service you are BapDada’s arms and you stay in the Father’s arms. Experience both these scenes: Sometimes become merged in the arms and sometimes serve as the arms. Have the intoxication of being God’s right hands.
Slogan: The speciality of contentment and happiness gives you the experience of the flying stage.
मुरली सार:- ''मीठे बच्चे - हीरे जैसा जीवन बनाने वाले बाप को बहुत खुशी-खुशी से यादकरो तो जंक निकल जायेगी''
प्रश्न: माला का दाना कौन बनेंगे, उसका पुरुषार्थ क्या है?
उत्तर: माला का दाना वही बनेंगे जिसे अन्त में कुछ भी याद न पड़े। ऐसे बच्चे जोकर्मातीत अवस्था को पायेंगे वही माला का दाना बनेंगे। कोई बहुत धनवान हैं, अनेककारखाने आदि हैं... तो वह सब भूलना पड़े। किसी मे भी ममत्व न रहे। मेरा-मेरा न हो।बस यह भाई (आत्मा) है, यही रूहानी कनेक्शन है और कोई कनेक्शन नहीं। ऐसे रूहानीकनेक्शन रखने वाले, सब कुछ भूलने वाले बच्चे ही माला में आ सकते हैं।
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
1) ऊंच पद पाने के लिए बहुत-बहुत शान्तचित रहना है, मीठा बनना है, सबके साथ प्यारसे चलना है।
2) जो कुछ बाबा को अर्पण कर दिया, उसे भूल जाना है, उसकी याद भी न आये। कभी यहसंकल्प भी न आये कि हम बाबा को देते हैं।
वरदान: भुजाओं में समाने और भुजायें बन सेवा करने वाले ब्रह्मा बाप