Posted by : Biradar Mahesh Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bestower of Knowledge Mother Saraswati
The world calls out to her as Kãmdhenu, Ãdya, Ãdi Shakti (the First
Shakti), Saraswati and other innumerable name. For a mere glimpse,
devotees do penance and perform rituals for years on end.  It is
surprising and pleasing to realise that the same Mother Saraswati not
only walked the earth practically, but patted us children on our
shoulders with her lotus hands, spread vibrations of love and yoga
power through her drishti (vision), sustained souls with her sweet yog-
yukt words, cared for the young ones, and taught us how to be
successful on the spiritual field of actions by nourishing us with all

The true yet unusual biography of Saraswati, Hans-Vãhini
(whose chariot was the swan) and Vidyã-Dãyini (Bestower of Knowledge),is contained within this book.  These jewels of experiences belong to those children of Brahma, who became her adopted sons and daughters in the corporeal form.

After the greatest and most elevated actors of this world drama,
Supreme Soul Shiva and Prajapita Brahma, the role of Jagadamba Saraswati is most commendable.  The Vedic mantras speak of Saraswati
as “Shiv Sahodarã (Shiva’s Sister)”.  Learning, knowledge, penance,
truth, service, renunciation, and other virtues first seeped through
every feature of her life, and only then were experienced by the
world.  She is the First Woman and First Goddess.  On the path of
devotion, she is shown holding a book, since she had drawn the lines
of everyone’s fortune by being Bhãgya Vidhãtri (Bestower of Fortune)
and the prime authority of all spiritual powers.  Miraculously, her
drishti transformed those smouldering in the fire of vices, those
burning in the fire of sensual desires, those wishing to change but
unable to do so due to weak self-perception, and the soul would say:
“The Goddess of Coolness! O the Bliss of a Viceless life!  What a
stage of elevated thoughts!  We have been blessed!  O Mother! Give me
refuge, bless my entire life!”  She was the living Goddess of
knowledge, yoga, inculcation of purity, and other virtues.  She
remained constantly fearless and unshakeable like a mountain in
adverse circumstances.  Her fearless state of mind has been
memorialised as the Goddess riding the lion.  She was Mother Durga who
protected the fortress of the yagya.

She was Smriti Dhar (embodiment of remembrance).  She was raz-yukt
(who unvealed a number of secrets behind each of beloved Baba’s
elevated versions).  She was Anurãgi, (who like the Chãtrak bird
desired every drop of knowledge from the Ocean of Knowledge).  Apart
from looking at her children’s faces when they attended classes on
Godly knowledge, she was beyond every other scene of the world.
Whilst walking, she appeared to be a divine fairy whose very body
radiated rays of light.  Her mind was constantly merged in the sweet
remembrance of Beloved Shiv Baba, resident of the Supreme Abode.  Her
compassion-filled drishti worked like a magic wand allowing the
recipient to attain freedom from the agony, weariness and ignorance of
many births.  Despite being the idol of love, she was always free from
attachment.  When she walked, it felt as if every particle of nature
longed to be the dust beneath her feet.  She was the first female
jewel to be adorned by the Ratnãgar’s (God, the Jeweler) jewels of
virtues.  Trilokagya (who has knowledge about the Three Worlds) God’s
slogan, “Vande Mãtaram” (Salutation to the Mothers!) was spoken in her
praise.  She was the first yogini and tapasvini; she was the pride of
the imperishable land of Bharat; she was God’s identity.  She was a
mine of all divine virtues. She was the protective shade of love,
sustenance, and security for the world.  She was the spiritual boat
that took us across the ocean of life.  She was the ultimate
destination of every son and daughter of knowledge.  Those who saw
her, saw everything.  If one experienced her as the mother, he or she
attained everything.  She could fill forest wood with the fragrance of
sandalwood; she made people sit in the fire of yoga, helping them to
illuminate their own sankãrs.  Singing the lullaby of knowledge, she
gave divine sustenance to all – she was the first Mother of Coolness,
Mother of Fire, Mother of Nourishment, and Mother of Contentment.
The light of her power of yoga could eradicate the darkness of body-
consciousness.  Merely looking at her, one’s spiritual consciousness
would awaken.  How can we praise or describe her?  As it is said,
“Even if you turn all the oceans into ink, make the forests into pens,
the earth into paper, you could still not do justice to the Supreme
Soul’s praise”.  Similarly, the praise of Supreme Soul’s elevated
creation, Mother Saraswati, sung by the poets of the path of bhakti
has been inadequate.

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