Posted by : PooMac Photography Studio Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Inauguration of the Politicians’ Conference - Gyan Sarovar

1. We are no longer slaves to our sense organs. Ordinarily, a king can never be a slave and a slave can never become a king, but here Baba has changed our fortune and made us sovereigns of the self.

2. Through the intellect we understand the connection between the soul and the Supreme Soul.

3. What qualities do I need to imbibe in order to become a leader - a king?

4. The Supreme Soul is my Father, Teacher and Satguru. Through His teachings our intellects strengthen.

5. The greatest need in the world today is inner stability.

6. Our politicians and religious leaders have many specialties. People have regard for those specialties. A real desire to serve society is needed - to understand and respond to the needs of both the self and others.

7. When there is the deep, pure desire to build Ramrajya, then as is the king, so will be the subjects.

8. The king – the leader, needs to have the pure desire to build the atmosphere of a family or a community. It just takes a minute to make the atmosphere powerful and similarly, it takes a minute to make it ordinary. Create an atmosphere around you where others have realizations; their hearts should melt.

9. A king has elevated thoughts and elevated pure wishes.

10. Whatever I do, others will observe me and do the same.

11. I never call myself Indian; I am a Bharatwasi. This awareness reminds us of our original Bharat.

12. Let the mind be powerful; let our inculcation be strong. Brahma Baba taught us to develop will-power.

13. Baba gave us knowledge of the values of spiritual life and taught us easy Rajyoga.

14. We say that such-and-such should not happen, but do we have the will-power to change things? A true politician’s life cannot be created without will-power.

15. Take inspirations from Madhuban on how to live your life. Bharat belongs to us; we have a deep and pure desire to see Bharat become the land of heaven once again.

16. Be true and honest in life.

17. Mahatma Gandhi worked very hard to free Bharat and now each soul has to make himself free. True liberation is freedom from the vices.

18. Incorporeal Supreme Father Shiva has come in Bharat and through the body of Brahma Baba has taught human souls the art of living elevated lives on the strength of purity. It is our duty to share this with everyone.

19. It is my duty to enhance the workings of my inner kingdom so that external affairs run smoothly. Baba gives us birth with the power of yoga and the more we draw it within ourselves, the more it can be utilized.

20. Let there be the attention and pure desire to be victorious over the sense organs. Once I gain victory over the sense organs, I can win the hearts of others.

21. This is not an institution; it is a family of sisters and brothers. We are children of one Father. We are equal in every aspect here.

22. Everyone who visits Madhuban experiences how the loving sustenance of one Father is empowering the gathering to carry out its activities. It is the power of the gathering that ensures that everything takes place properly.

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